Learning Objective for Participants
- Review who are mandated reporters
- Review of what is a mandated reporter
- Review of abuse, neglect, exploitation terminology in relation to vulnerable adults
- Review of abuse, neglect, and abandonment in relation to children
- Review on how to make a report as a mandated reporter in Florida
Course Outline
- Title of Event: Mandated Reporter for Florida: Working with children or adults with disabilities
- Date and Location of Event: Self Paced online course
- Time and Duration: 25 minutes
- Number of CEUs: 0.5
- Attendance Procedure: All attendees must interact with course content, view all course content including quizzes and complete an end of course test scoring an 80% or higher in order to receive the CEU.
- Event Fee: Free
- Instructor: Shelby Dowd, M.S., BCBA
- Event covers the following behavior analysis content: Ethical Responsibility
- Event Designed for RBT, BCaBA, and BCBA
- Event Level: Basic