Learning Objective for Participants
- Review socially significate behaviors.
- Review the ethical rights of the client.
- Pinpoint what behaviors are refusal.
- Pinpoint what behaviors are self advocating.
- Pinpoint the effects of treating self advocating as refusal in ABA.
- Learn how treating some refusal behaviors negatively effect the client.
Course Outline
- Respecting Clients Rights: Is it Refusal or Self Advocating
- Title Of Event: Respecting Clients Rights: Is it Refusal or Self Advocating.
- Date and Location of Event: Self Paced online course
- Time and Duration: 25 minutes
- Number of CEUs: 0.5
- Attendance Procedure: All attendees must interact with course content, view all course content including quizzes and complete an end of course test scoring an 80% or higher in order to receive the CEU.
- Event Fee: $4.00 per person
- Instructor: Shelby Dowd, M.S., BCBA
- Event Covers the Following Behavior Analysis Content: Practice and Ethics
- Event Designed for BCaBA and BCBA
- Event Level: Basic
- Baer, D.M., Wolf M.M., and Risley, T.(1968)Current dimensions of applied behavior analysis.Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1, 91-97.
- Lee, A..(2020) The Importance of Self-Advocacy for Kids Who Learn and Think Differently.
Course Content
Lesson Content
0% Complete
0/2 Steps